Indelible Grace Hymnbook

Horatius Bonar

Born: De­cem­ber 19, 1808, Old Brough­ton, Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land.

Died: Ju­ly 31, 1889, Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land.

Buried: Can­on­gate church­yard.

Bonar has been called the prince of Scot­tish hymn write­rs. Af­ter grad­u­at­ing from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Ed­in­burgh, he was or­dained in 1838, and be­came pas­tor of the North Par­ish, Kel­so. He joined the Free Church of Scot­land af­ter the Dis­rupt­ion of 1843, and for a while edit­ed the church’s The Bor­der Watch. Bo­nar re­mained in Kel­so for 28 years, af­ter which he moved to the Chal­mers Me­mor­i­al church in Ed­in­burgh, where he served the rest of his life. Bo­nar wrote more than 600 hymns. At a me­mor­i­al ser­vice fol­low­ing his death, his friend, Rev. E. H. Lun­die, said:

His hymns were writ­ten in ve­ry var­ied cir­cum­stances, some­times timed by the tink­ling brook that bab­bled near him; some­times at­tuned to the or­dered tramp of the ocean, whose crest­ed waves broke on the beach by which he wan­dered; some­times set to the rude mu­sic of the rail­way train that hur­ried him to the scene of du­ty; some­times mea­sured by the si­lent rhy­thm of the mid­night stars that shone above him.

Bonar’s works in­clude:

Hymns of Faith and Hope, 1857

Source: The Cyber Hymnal